Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up for a thrilling odyssey aboard the Namada Shielded Expedition! Every moment is packed with suspense and adventure as we journey through uncharted territories of the cosmos.

Amidst this cosmic clash, our fearless Pilots and Crews have navigated through the stars, overcoming every obstacle in their path to reach the coveted mainnet and seize glorious rewards. Today, OriginStake is thrilled to unveil a key player in this epic saga – our most distinguished Pilot, CROUTONDIGITAL.

Let’s kick off this exciting chat now!


CroutonDigital: Hello, we are the Crouton Digital team based in Latvia. We have several departments in our company that are working on all kinds of crypto services and development. One of our departments is focused on validator nodes and infrastructure.

CroutonDigital: We have been part of Namada since its early stages. We participated in over 15 testnets as genesis validators for Namada, and we were also part of the Community Builders program, finishing in the top 25. Currently, we are genesis validators in Shielded Expedition. We have always believed that privacy is crucial, especially in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape. Namada serves as a perfect example of a solution to various privacy concerns, and we align with Namada’s philosophy that privacy is not about hiding, but rather about the freedom to reveal.

CroutonDigital: We conduct at least three general meetings (via conference call) per week, and we use Asana to manage all ongoing processes. Working remotely has never been an issue for us. However, I must mention that the core team is located in Latvia, and we meet in our beautiful office every day. Nonetheless, there are a few positions that have been working remotely for quite some time. These individuals are 100% trustworthy and hardworking, and we know them personally.

CroutonDigital: Upon seeing the approximate table of tasks, we promptly drafted a list of potential A-class asteroids that could be explored, including some less obvious ones that we believe are worth experimenting with. For class B and C tasks, this follows the standard procedure in testnets, and they will remain relevant from the start to the finish of SE. As for S-class tasks, we prepared some in advance that could be completed before the network is launched. This way, we can avoid wasting time on them and focus on more complex tasks.

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

All I can say is, “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” SE is still ongoing, and many great participants could also achieve the #1 spot. However, we are pleased to see our team currently in the 1st place. Nevertheless, we don’t stop there; we are continuing to work on completing more S-class tasks.

CroutonDigital: As I mentioned earlier, we planned well in advance, which saved us some time for contributing to more complex S-class tasks. However, we’re currently facing a challenge with the Osmosis clone task. Despite this setback, we’re not giving up, and our entire focus is on resolving this specific issue. The main challenge? Unexpected halts— they disrupt our workflow and testing, throwing us off our rhythm. Additionally, the fluctuating time frames of SE pose a challenge, but we understand that this is part of testnets. We remain prepared to adapt quickly. I’m proud that our team never complains and continues to work with great enthusiasm.

CroutonDigital: I believe we have a fantastic team composed of like-minded individuals, and motivation has never been a problem. To be honest, there are times when I have to tell the team to take a break and relax a bit, but they possess an inner drive that compels them to work hard every day. Our team is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to outperform others.

CroutonDigital: Namada provides a table with all S-class submissions that are highly transparent, allowing us to see all submitted tasks. We made efforts to contribute in every section of the S-class tasks, identifying several security and cryptography issues, among others. Additionally, we discovered some A-class asteroids, leveraging our high ranking prior to submitting S-class tasks.

CroutonDigital: We can discuss this further once SE concludes, as we prefer not to count our chickens before they hatch. There are still more tasks and contributions that we are actively working on, and we look forward to sharing more insights then.

CroutonDigital: Firstly, we are proud to have been chosen as SE-100 pilot (Genesis validator). Additionally, I’m proud to announce that we are completing more tasks than required. For instance, we have undertaken several tasks for the S subclass, despite knowing that we won’t receive extra points for them. We do this because we want to assist Namada in any way possible to achieve their goals. Moreover, we are delighted to be part of such an exceptional validator set and among the great teams participating in SE.

CroutonDigital: I believe it was a fantastic experience and a true test of our team’s capabilities. As you’re aware, SE was initially supposed to be active for only 2-3 weeks maximum, yet within this short timeframe, numerous tasks needed completion. We made every effort to complete them all within the given time frame, and in my opinion, we performed admirably. Now that SE has been extended, we have more time to tackle tasks that we weren’t able to submit during the first two weeks.

CroutonDigital: We firmly believe that the price of success is hard work. Whether we win or lose, what truly matters is that we give our all with unwavering commitment. This is our approach to tackling challenges—we. We wake up each day ready to contribute with full determination, time and time again.

CroutonDigital: Believe in your endeavors; if you can envision it, you can accomplish it. Rather than focusing too much on leaderboard rankings, concentrate on contributing wholeheartedly to achieve, not just surpassing others. In doing so, you will be rewarded, whether with a notable position or with a valuable experience.

CroutonDigital: We are always open to providing advice to others if they ask for it appropriately, but our primary focus is on our own tasks and objectives, which we strive to accomplish independently. As for the need for collaboration among Pilots, I disagree with that assertion. Collaboration was necessary for the Community Builder program, but it’s not the case for Shielded Expedition.

CroutonDigital: First and foremost, we gained invaluable experience by working within the tight time frames of 2-3 weeks, as initially announced. It required our team to multitask every day, and I’m delighted with what I observed during that period. It showcased the remarkable spirit of our team, and we can certainly build upon that in the future. Undoubtedly, our team has grown stronger as a result.

CroutonDigital: If we speak about Namada, then our near future plan is to finish SE strongly and to complete a couple more S class tasks before the expedition ends, and also we would love to continue to support Namada on the mainnet and do our best as a validator and community builder. Privacy = Freedom, freedom to reveal.

CroutonDigital: I think that our team is united not only by work, but also by sharing the same ideas, and we spend a lot of time together outside the office hours. And we will repeat it again ”Our team is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by desire to beat others.”

Thank you, CroutonDigital, for generously sharing your insights and experiences from the Namada Shielded Expedition. Your steadfast dedication, collaborative spirit, and enthusiasm for sharing your journey have truly left a lasting impression.

We hold high hopes that your team will continue to exhibit its strength and ultimately claim victory in this race! Until our next interview, keep forging ahead with determination and resilience. See you all soon!

About CroutonDigital

Website: https://crouton.digital/
X: https://twitter.com/CroutonDigital
Telegram: https://t.me/CroutonDigital
Medium: https://medium.com/@CroutonDigital

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Originstake is your professional and trusted validator that assists you in your staking activities. We provide full support services, a reward management dashboard, rewards sharing, and much more!

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